Šifra artikla: 392319
Isbn: 9788652153763
Autor : Uroš Petrović
"Through fairy tales, children learn the most important lessons about life. "
– Bruno Bettelheim

The book Fairy Tales – The First Seven by Uroš Petrović became a regional bestseller and was declared the best book in the field of children's literature at the 2023 Novi Sad Book Fair! (Most likely because of Aleksandar Zolotić's illustrations, but that doesn't matter!)

Ljubivoje Ršumović: "Enough already! Write whatever you want on the cover!"
Uroš Petrović: "How about: fairy tales gide us through the forest of life, with a light at the end of the road?"
Ljubivoje Ršumović: "Don’t exaggerate."
Uroš Petrović: " How about: through fairy tales, children become heroes of their future?"
Ljubivoje Ršumović: "It’s possible."
Mina Kebin: "You're not going to do it again, are you?"
Uroš Petrović: "No, you are. Use the same text as last time; just change The Second Seven to The Third Seven!"

Reading fairy tales improves concentration and memory, encourages brain development, imagination, and critical thinking, establishes empathy and self-awareness, develops language skills, and all this significantly affects achievements in education and life. At a time when education was oral and within a narrow community, fairy tales were created precisely for these reasons. They have always been an indispensable part of children's education and growing up, and new fairytales appeared with each new era.
Now it's time to become acquainted with the third seven Fairy Tales by Uroš Petrović.

Illustrated by Aleksandar Zolotić
0,00 EUR
12,83 EUR
Cijena na sajtu: 11,55 EUR
Ušteda: 1,28 EUR
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Rok isporuke:
Isporuka: 25.10.2024.
Isporuka: 25.10.2024.
"Through fairy tales, children learn the most important lessons about life. "
– Bruno Bettelheim

The book Fairy Tales – The First Seven by Uroš Petrović became a regional bestseller and was declared the best book in the field of children's literature at the 2023 Novi Sad Book Fair! (Most likely because of Aleksandar Zolotić's illustrations, but that doesn't matter!)

Ljubivoje Ršumović: "Enough already! Write whatever you want on the cover!"
Uroš Petrović: "How about: fairy tales gide us through the forest of life, with a light at the end of the road?"
Ljubivoje Ršumović: "Don’t exaggerate."
Uroš Petrović: " How about: through fairy tales, children become heroes of their future?"
Ljubivoje Ršumović: "It’s possible."
Mina Kebin: "You're not going to do it again, are you?"
Uroš Petrović: "No, you are. Use the same text as last time; just change The Second Seven to The Third Seven!"

Reading fairy tales improves concentration and memory, encourages brain development, imagination, and critical thinking, establishes empathy and self-awareness, develops language skills, and all this significantly affects achievements in education and life. At a time when education was oral and within a narrow community, fairy tales were created precisely for these reasons. They have always been an indispensable part of children's education and growing up, and new fairytales appeared with each new era.
Now it's time to become acquainted with the third seven Fairy Tales by Uroš Petrović.

Illustrated by Aleksandar Zolotić

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Karakteristika Vrednost
Kategorija UZRAST OD 3 DO 6 GODINA
Autor Uroš Petrović
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
Izdavač LAGUNA
Pismo Latinica
Povez Broš

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