Šifra artikla: 353717
Isbn: 9788660360740
The short story collection The Quite Dead, awarded with the prestigious Andrić Award in 2000, is one of the titles that signaled a turnover in the literary field of contemporary Serbian prose. Its publication, unique and distinct both in terms of form and character development, overlapped with the turn of the century, but also with the transition from one to another, more open socio-historical pattern of political and cultural life in Serbia, opened the question of "neither there – nor here" – the existential situation which seemingly is a frequently imposed topic of our culture and attitude towards the past, but also the present.
0,00 EUR
10,63 EUR
Cijena na sajtu: 9,56 EUR
Ušteda: 1,07 EUR
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Rok isporuke:
Isporuka: 28.03.2025.
Isporuka: 28.03.2025.
The short story collection The Quite Dead, awarded with the prestigious Andrić Award in 2000, is one of the titles that signaled a turnover in the literary field of contemporary Serbian prose. Its publication, unique and distinct both in terms of form and character development, overlapped with the turn of the century, but also with the transition from one to another, more open socio-historical pattern of political and cultural life in Serbia, opened the question of "neither there – nor here" – the existential situation which seemingly is a frequently imposed topic of our culture and attitude towards the past, but also the present.

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Karakteristika Vrednost
Autor Vladan Matijević
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg

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