LIVING BRANDS - izdanje na engleskom jeziku LIVING BRANDS - izdanje na engleskom jeziku

LIVING BRANDS - izdanje na engleskom jeziku

Šifra artikla: 360899
Isbn: 9788686245458
Autor : Chris Farmer
"Living Brands is new look and brands and branding from the mind of brand consultant and graduate lecturer Chris Farmer. It is a common-sense examination of why we endow brands with human qualities, learn to love them, and give them life. With insights and information for both the professional and amateur reader, this is a book that will make you think about brands a little differently.
Chris Farmer, brand consultant and professor, lives in Belgrade and teaches graduate classes in branding, luxury brand management, marketing, and other subjects at universities in China, France, and Serbia. This is Chris Farmer’s third book with Komshe following Grumpy in Belgrade (2014) and Grumpy in Belgrade: The Prehistory (2015)."
  • NSZ
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"Living Brands is new look and brands and branding from the mind of brand consultant and graduate lecturer Chris Farmer. It is a common-sense examination of why we endow brands with human qualities, learn to love them, and give them life. With insights and information for both the professional and amateur reader, this is a book that will make you think about brands a little differently.
Chris Farmer, brand consultant and professor, lives in Belgrade and teaches graduate classes in branding, luxury brand management, marketing, and other subjects at universities in China, France, and Serbia. This is Chris Farmer’s third book with Komshe following Grumpy in Belgrade (2014) and Grumpy in Belgrade: The Prehistory (2015)."

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Karakteristika Vrednost
Kategorija MARKETING
Autor Chris Farmer
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
Izdavač KOMSHE
Pismo Latinica
Povez Broš

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