Šifra artikla: 394315
Isbn: 9788660534233
Autor : Nenad Šaponja
This book is written for all of you who dare to think, and even to voice out, in the world of twisted and bewildered meanings of everyday life, to read, that poetry is the drama of being, a map for the soul on the journey of recognition… a place of dialogue, walking on the edge, flying without wings, a dream that endures… that exciting place where we both are and aren't, at the same time and beyond time… Nenad Šaponja
0,00 EUR
7,02 EUR
Cijena na sajtu: 6,31 EUR
Ušteda: 0,71 EUR
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Rok isporuke:
Isporuka: 21.03.2025.
Isporuka: 21.03.2025.
This book is written for all of you who dare to think, and even to voice out, in the world of twisted and bewildered meanings of everyday life, to read, that poetry is the drama of being, a map for the soul on the journey of recognition… a place of dialogue, walking on the edge, flying without wings, a dream that endures… that exciting place where we both are and aren't, at the same time and beyond time… Nenad Šaponja

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Kategorija POEZIJA
Autor Nenad Šaponja
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
Pismo Latinica
Povez Broš

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