LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot
LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot
LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot
TeNeues Books

LOST BEAUTIES 50 Cars that Time Forgot

Šifra artikla: 370287
Isbn: 9783961713394
Often times the cars in this richly illustrated book were lost because the manufacturer ceased to exist, or because they were found on the bottom of Lake Maggiore after 75 years, like the Bugatti Brescia. Among the 50 beauties there are one-offs, concepts, trendsetters, and failures as well as cars of the rich and famous, from Marilyn Monroe to Clark Gable.

Text in English and German.
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Cijena na sajtu: 51,14 EUR
Ušteda: 5,68 EUR
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Isporuka: 21.03.2025.
Isporuka: 21.03.2025.
Often times the cars in this richly illustrated book were lost because the manufacturer ceased to exist, or because they were found on the bottom of Lake Maggiore after 75 years, like the Bugatti Brescia. Among the 50 beauties there are one-offs, concepts, trendsetters, and failures as well as cars of the rich and famous, from Marilyn Monroe to Clark Gable.

Text in English and German.

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Kategorija Proizvodi
Autor Michel Zumbrunn, Axel E. Catton
Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
Izdavač TeNeues Books
Pismo Latinica
Povez Tvrd

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